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Coachella Music Festival


The aim of Gordo's performance at Brooklyn Mirage was to evoke the raw, anarchic vibe of Berlin and seamlessly integrate it into the renowned New York venue. Gordo sought to move away from his typical Latin sound, embracing the grungy Brooklyn atmosphere to create an unforgettable experience.


One of the primary challenges was designing a captivating 8-hour performance without visuals. Gordo preferred to avoid tech-heavy visuals, believing they would detract from the gritty essence of Berlin and its historical anarchy.


In response to this challenge, WKND HRS adopted a creatively focused strategy by constructing a single, always-on semi-static visual to serve as the backdrop. This visual represented the Berlin Wall, and throughout the 8-hour set, sections of the wall were progressively broken down. In the climactic final hour, the wall dramatically exploded into light beams that spelled out "Gordo," enhancing the emotional impact of the performance.


The show received rave reviews, with the experimental creative treatment allowing Gordo to align his performance with the venue's unique vibe. The event was a resounding success, selling out rapidly and further solidifying Gordo’s connection with his audience.